Thursday, May 30, 2013

New Releases: 30 May 2013

New Releases:
Illicit Mating by Marteeka Karland $4.49Genre(s): Futuristic, Science Fiction, Erotic Romance
Theme(s): BBW
The need to save his species brought them together. Will corruption and intrigue tear them apart?

Their Sinful Seduction (Tales of Moonspell 4) by Jessica Coulter Smith $4.49 Genre(s): Paranormal, Erotic Romance
Theme(s): Ménage, Werewolves
Saying "Oops, I'm pregnant" doesn't seem like a good idea when faced with two intense werewolves.

On Thin Ice (Super Powered) by Sarah Mäkelä $3.99Genre(s): Paranormal, Action Adventure/ Suspense, Erotic Romance
A superhero discovers a reason to fight... love.

A Fine Line by Mikala Ash $2.99Genre(s): Paranormal, Hot Flashes, BDSM, Erotic Romance
Theme(s): Werewolves, Men and Women in Uniform
When a passion becomes a career, is it possible to draw the line between work and play?
Available NOW at
May's Discount Code: MayDay2013 -- 10% off any order
Matching Funds Aid to Oklahoma Disaster Victims
Use the code Relief2013 on any order and we'll give you 7.5% off your entire order, and we'll add a matching 7.5% donation to aid national relief efforts for victims of the Oklahoma disaster. (Unrestricted discount code, and you may use this code more than once)

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